A group of researchers has uncovered a series of improbable data patterns and statistical anomalies in the work of a well-known sports scientist. This article will serve as a more reader-friendly version of the technical white paper that was recently published about this issue.

Improbable Data Patterns in the Work of Barbalho et al: An Explainer
By Greg Nuckols 24 Comments

Season Finale: Tons of New Meta-Analyses and Q&A Catch-Up
By The Stronger By Science Team Leave a Comment
After opening the final episode of the season with a Good News segment, Greg & Eric make SBS Podcast history with the first ever prospective Feats of Strength segment. After that, Greg & Eric have an extensive Research Roundup segment in which they cover some brand new highlights from the freshly-updated Meta-Analysis Master List on StrongerByScience.com. That’s followed by a lengthy Q&A segment in which Greg & Eric try to answer as many training and nutrition questions as possible before the current season of the show comes to a close. Finally, they answer a couple of professional development questions for aspiring trainers and research interpreters To Play Them Out.

Betaine, Sodium Bicarbonate, and Evaluating New Research as it Develops
By The Stronger By Science Team 1 Comment
Today’s episode starts off with a Good News segment and some brand new Feats of Strength. After that, Eric discusses his most recent SBS article about Betaine, and addresses some of the feedback that the article has received. This segment opens up into a broader discussion about how to evaluate a new body of research as it’s developing. Topics include conflicts of interest, how much evidence is required to justify experimentation, and when we can confidently conclude that an intervention simply doesn’t work. Some historical examples are discussed along the way, with some background information about how the steroid, creatine, caffeine, and citrulline malate literature developed over time. After that, Greg and Eric share a quick Research Roundup segment, followed by some off-topic questions To Play Them Out.
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